Michael was diagnosed with terminal cancer last June 2023. He transitioned peacefully at home in the early hours of April 28th.

Although expected, there is no way to prepare for the void the absence of his physical presence has left in the hearts of family and friends . . . and none more than me. It’s a great relief that he is free from his body that no longer served him, yet my heart is struggling with facing a future without him. If my Love could have kept him alive, he would have lived forever. But his soul is on a journey, and I honour that completely. Life always gets it right.

We invite you to join us for his Celebration of Life. He touched thousands of hearts through his books and events, and now we come together to touch his heart in return. We hope you will join us.

The live stream was on Friday, May 17th at 1 PM Brisbane time.

With all my Love,
Carolyn, and the entire Roads’ family.

Audio Books Now Available!

Spread the LOVE . . .

with these beautiful greeting cards

Introducing myself . . .

Michael J. Roads

I am known as a modern mystic. Over many years I have gained a wealth of metaphysical experiences which offer me the most extraordinary insights into life. As a spiritual teacher I have devised many inner exercises which allow people to experience the interconnectedness of All life, bridging the illusion of separation between our inner and outer worlds. I offer people the ability to maintain a state of inner peace and freedom, regardless of the situations and circumstances of their lives. Yes . . . this is possible!

All is possible within the power of unconditional Love. I have the consciousness and ability to empower people, thus assisting them in remembering and reconnecting with their own Divine potential. When certain universal principles of Truth become an aspect of your life, the extraordinary becomes really quite ordinary. Aeons ago, we settled for life in the illusion. I will teach you the way out. I have spent five decades exploring the higher realms of consciousness. It is time for your outdated and outmoded personal world reality to give way to the higher potential of a far Greater Reality.

Welcome to my world!

I Love what I do, which is why I am good at it. I live what I teach, and teach what I live; this is important to me. If I embody inner growth, then I can teach it. Instead of simply saying words, I am consciously sharing energy. And, as I have stated, I teach a way to live that works. I no longer experience fear, anxiety, worry, stress, anger, blame, self-criticism or any judgement. It works for me and it will work for you!

What is Life?

This may seem like a dumb question. After all, you are living life . . . or are you?
Are you truly living, or are you following an old, outdated programme that you think is life?
There are only two ways of living life.
One is a way that works, while the other is a way that does not work. That’s it, in a nutshell!
It is startling to realise that probably ninety-four percent of the world’s population lives in a way that does not work. These people all live a repetitive subconscious programme of which they are basically unaware.
The six percent live a fully conscious life, making aware and conscious choices.
So . . . where do you fit in?
If you live in poverty or are hugely wealthy, have any anger, are critical of people and yourself, are unwell, unfit, or suffering in any way at all, experiencing rage and anger and blaming other people about your life, if you are jaded and faded, or do not experience real, true, unconditional Love . . . you are part of the majority group that lives in a way that does not work.
If you have inner-peace, abundance in all the many essential aspects of life, and experience emotional balance and unconditional Love . . . welcome to the power of the minority!
Carolyn and I travelled the world every year teaching a way of life that works. It is proven, powerful, life changing and dynamic.
It is also fun, exhilarating and, most of all . . . it works!

So . . . welcome to my website and all the life-changing potential I offer you.

Michael’s On-Line Event


Reconnect with a forgotten power.

Information and Registration: CLICK HERE

“The most common question about any seminar is, ‘What’s in it for me?’ I do not like this question. It has a poor vibe and a low energy. A better question would be, “How can this inspire me to my greater potential?” This is the question that I will answer.

I am a spiritual teacher. I am not an intellectual online advisor, nor am I an explainer of spiritual techniques; this is all short term stuff. This means that I will do my best to teach you who you are and how to reach your spiritual potential. Be very clear, neither I nor anyone else can do this for you. There is no intellectual path to spiritual enlightenment. However, you can be an intellectual person and become spiritually enlightened . . . but it will not come from intellectual knowledge!

My preference, by far, is to be physically present before large groups where I can engage the energy-field of the participants. Most people who conduct online seminars are purveyors of knowledge, and this certainly has a valuable place, but unrealised by so many, knowledge has a use-by date. Knowledge also changes as it travels from one person to another, easily becoming distorted and contaminated.

I teach people who are sincere in their need to consciously connect with their spirituality. This conscious connection is the key. Being conscious is the key to leaving the subconscious illusions of life and engaging a greater reality. In my 5-day off-line events people do not come and go during a teaching, nor do they converse with each other. They give me their full attention while I am teaching. It seems to me that with online seminars many people get distracted, come and go during the event, talk with other people during the discourses, and then wonder why they did not get much out of it.

This insincere non-engagement does not work. I know how life works. I do not ’think’ I know, I know that I know. If you think this approach is arrogant, or will not work for you, so be it. I am not about to reduce or change my consciousness and be online just to please such people.

I am sincere in my teachings, and I plan to present a superb online experience . . . but I need the same undertaking from all those who engage with me. I need your commitment, your engagement . . . and if you live what I teach it will transform your life.

You and I are special people. Why? Because we are dedicated to growing in consciousness. Most people are not. There are people who are committed to their spirituality, and there are spiritual tourists. You and I know which type achieves the greatest results. I have humour, I laugh a lot, I have fun, but I am totally committed to the creative evolution of the individual human consciousness.

I invite you to be part of this. I invite you to be more of who you are, rather than more of who you are not!”

In Love and Light . . . Michael J. Roads


Follow me . . .

. . . on my metaphysical journeys

The first book I ever wrote took me two weeks. It was an instant Best Seller, A Guide to Organic Gardening in Australia. I thought, wow, this is easy. Now, twenty-three books later, and with that first book long out of print, I continue to find writing easy, but writing Best Sellers . . . hmm, not so easy! My last, and final, organic gardening book is Conscious Gardening.

I write because I honestly love writing. Quite often the next book will be my last . . . but I continue writing. I truly enjoy the communicative power and the sheer poetry of lovingly crafted words. I have had five Best Sellers, with a couple of literary awards for my novel, Getting There. (In Europe, The Boy with no Shadow.)

My next two books, Talking with Nature and Journey into Nature, became Best Sellers, and are now under one cover. These were followed by Journey into Oneness, and Into a Timeless Realm, also now under one cover. All these books are about my earlier metaphysical journeys.

My other books are either my more recent metaphysical journeys with Pan, or they are about spirituality. The trilogy, Through the Eyes of Love; Journeying with Pan, are absolutely unique. They not only share my deeper metaphysical travels, but also my inner development while I was engaged in them. Although I ended the trilogy, Stepping Between Realities continues the same themes of metaphysical exploration.

My last two books are a departure from all my other writing. From Illusion to Enlightenment is a journey I have made. In a simple way, I describe the steps needed to move away from the deceit of life’s illusions toward enlightenment. It is simple, yet profound. This was recently followed by Entering the Secret World of Nature. This shares over fifty years of my experience, teaching you, the reader, how you also can achieve this. We have potentials and abilities of which most people seem to know nothing. We are able to actually cross the threshold between the physical and the metaphysical.

A subscription to Michael Roads Teachings will include:

  • Daily Inspirations – This is the result of my ten years of collecting my own inspired aphorisms to share with you. An aphorism is a ‘brief pithy adage of wisdom’. If you read the email each day, you will have a regular empowering focus. Sometimes you will find the daily reading was exactly what you needed for that day, often times it will generate new insight into an old problem. 
  • Video Musings – In a range of 3 minute video’s I share a few of my life’s deeper insights to act as a trigger, or catalyst for you to see deeper into your own innate wisdom.
  • Video Teachings – In 15 minute videos I reflect on a wide range of subjects that could powerfully and positively affect your day to day living. New videos will be added on a weekly basis.
  • Healing Humanity Meditation – The Healing Humanity Meditations are designed to raise the whole human energy-field, our consciousness, our frequency. This monthly meditation will be spontaneous — me, in the moment! For me, it is about all of us connecting in energy. Humanity is out of balance, which means the world is out of balance. As we help bring humanity into balance, so we affect the world . . . and Nature. And we — along with other people and groups doing it their own way — can achieve this. The energy/frequency is rising. We have the ability to harness this energy and raise the whole human consciousness. Love should be our constant focus . . . not fear!
  • My Latest Publications – An introduction by Michael to his latest publications. As a subscriber you will be able to download his latest three books as a PDF file (Portable Document Format). This PDF file can either be read on your computer or printed out for spiral binding.
  • Access to Live Meetings with Michael and Carolyn – Every 3rd Sunday of the month at 5 pm Brisbane time Michael and Carolyn will be live via a Zoom Meeting to answer your questions. In addition subscribers of ‘Michael Roads Teachings’ have exclusive access every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 5 pm Brisbane time to a live Zoom webinar with Michael. An opportunity to connect live with Michael and Carolyn!


A selection of my publications . . .